Thursday, February 28, 2013

Three (3) Fables: The Dogs and the Deer, The Ant and the Bird, The Fox and the Grapes


A hunter captured a fawn (a young deer). When it was brought home, the dogs came wagging their tails. The man angrily drove them away, and told them that he wished to raise the fawn with them, warning them to keep peace.

As the fawn grew, it forgot it was a deer and looked upon the dogs as its friends, with whom it could gamble and play. The dogs, fearing their master, had to suppress their natural desires and fraternize with it.

One day, the deer stayed outside the gate. There were many strange and ferocious dogs in the street. The deer went up and tried to play with them.

The dogs were surprised, but being glad to see a meal come their way, they fell upon it and killed it.
As it was breathing its last, the deer tried vainly to understand why it had come to such an untimely end.


One day the ant was very thirsty. It went to the river to drink.
The ant fell into the river. The water carried the poor ant away.
A bird saw the ant. The bird said: “Here is a leaf. Hold on to the leaf.” The ant held on to the leaf. The ant was saved. “Thank you, dear friend,” said the ant. “Someday I will also help you.”
Later, a little boy went out to hunt. He saw a bird in a tree. He wanted to catch the bird, dead or alive. He aimed his sling shot to the bird.
The ant saw the boy. It bit the boy with all its might. “Ouch” cried the boy. The bird heard him. It flew away. One day the ant and the bird met again. The bird said: “Thank you, my dear friend.”The ant was very happy.


A fox was walking through an orchard when he felt thirsty.
Looking around, he saw a bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine above him. Those grapes are what he needed to quench his thirst.
He jumped to reach the bunch, but he failed. It was much higher than he thought.
He repeatedly jumped but still could not reach the bunch. This time, the fox was not only thirsty but very tired as well. He decided to give up and went away murmuring: “Im sure those grapes are sour.”

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